
The idea for a community association in Oak Bay grew out of successful resident-led initiatives on food security and community mapping in 2008. These demonstrated how much residents working together could do to create positive change in our community.
The Community Association of Oak Bay was formally constituted in September 2008 to expand that work to encompass engaging Oak Bay residents in protecting and enhancing our natural environment and pursuing a vision of Oak Bay as a diverse, vibrant and welcoming community.
Ever since then, CAOB’s board of directors has met monthly to lead, coordinate and promote initiatives that aim to make a difference in Oak Bay: “Walks & Talks” on issues that matter to our community, partnerships like the Sno’uyutth Welcome Pole at Oak Bay High School, all-candidates meetings, housing forums, land use charettes, an active presence at community festivals and events, and the founding of the ReconciliACTION Oak Bay Network.